What has 2020 meant for you?
One thing 2020 has taught me is that life is too short. Too short to be unhappy. Too short to dwell on the past. Too short to chase love....

How I have remained positive as a mother through COVID-19
In the 41 years of my life, I have never seen anything as scary as what I have witnessed over the last four weeks, in terms of people and...

A quiet existence
Since turning 40 in October 2018, life has been a turbulent world wind which has fortunately given me the kick up the backside to believe...

I was told today that I've been looking amazing of late. But, most of all I'm looking content. What does being content mean to you? For...

When it's time to move on
I hear so many complaints from females these days about how men are not coming correct and not wanting to commit to them. I for one, have...

When do things ever go right?
It's funny how life has a way of presenting itself.. You go through life always planning and hoping for the best, when in fact you have...

Life at 40
So, it's only been 42 days since I turned 40 and I have to say embracing this age has been amazing. I don't feel my age, nor do I look it...

What does thinking outside the box mean to you?
When you live your life doing the same things, day in and day out, week after week, month after month, year after year, at some point...

Life is too short to be anything but happy
Life comes with so many trials and tribulations, it is hard to believe sometimes. With some circumstances, we handle them like a pinch of...

Does your weight affect your confidence?
I can't say that I ever had a serious issue with my weight in my teenage years. I was always an average sized young girl with a small to...