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Happy International Women's Day

To my beautiful Queens. Yes, I am talking to you. Today, the 8th of March 2018 I am celebrating you on this special day, International Women's Day. I acknowledge your strength, your love, your admiration for life. I see the many gifts you have been blessed with, which some of you fail recognise.. As a woman you are hard working, devoted, loved by many, even though sometimes it may not feel that way. You are a role model, a mother, a grandmother, an aunt, a sister, a godmother, a mentor, a nurse, a doctor, a lawyer, a mediator, a wife, a girlfriend and many more. I know some of you are tired, tired of struggling. I understand that you are discouraged because you are not where you want to be. But, this is your journey. No one said it was going to be easy. You have defeated many challenges before and you will do it again. Still standing firm on your own two feet. There will always be detours along your way. You may get lost by heading down a dead end road, but all you have to do is turn yourself around, focus and find your way again. Direction is a constant movement. Be thankful for life. Be grateful for friends and family, including your children. Each day you are passing the test to lead to you greatness and the best is yet to come. I always believe in a positive mind, which brings positive outcomes, as much as some days may be harder than others. Yes, I have shed many tears, but my laughter outweighs all. I can count the amount of times I have been knocked down and bounced back up. I also remember how many times I have been hurt. But, I will not allow anyone's actions towards me, define me and contribute to way I see myself. I am in charge of writing this chapter of my story, no one else. Never feel you are not good enough to have amazing things in life. Life is too short. Live it. Embrace it and show the world that you are here to enjoy and create memories. As women we must stand together to inspire and motivate one another to achieve the impossible. Only united, we have the power to create change. With change, I mean changing the views and perceptions of others who don't have faith in our ability to do extraordinary things. We must support each others goals and not hate on each others achievements. We must continue to love ourselves, know our worth, set boundaries for how others treat us and how we deal with others. We must remind ourselves, that the only way we are going to get where we want to be in life is through hard work, determination and some failure. Failure is what should drive us to not be defeated. Failure is part of the step towards success. As a strong black woman, raising two boys on my own. I look back to the times they were both born and I can say, I am truly proud of who they are becoming. It hasn't been easy, as I'm sure many of you may already know having children of your own. But, I made the decision years ago to give my boys the best life possible, regardless of what I faced. If times were hard, I never wanted them to be aware of it. If finances were tight, I never wanted them to feel it and if I was sad, I never wanted them to see it. When I look back and see how much they have grown, it shows me how far I have come as a woman. It takes courage, strength, love, faith and love to raise a family, even with both the parents.

Over the years, I have reflected on the type of person I have become. Many of the changes have been inflicted due to my circumstances. What may have seemed as a point to give up at the time, is now the time to keep moving on. I am far too strong to let anything, or anyone set me back. I will not have my self-esteem lowered, or have my world broken.

I am outgoing, bubbly, sociable, loving, creative, dramatic, loyal, sensitive, kind-hearted and we all need to believe in ourselves to accomplish great things. Ladies, do not let your crown slip. Wear it with pride. Wear it with love and peace in your heart. Remember we are warriors, homemakers and simply courageous.

Never lose focus on your dreams. Be creative. Be ambitious and keep smiling. Never lose touch of who you are and what you stand for. On Saturday, for Mother's Day on Sunday 11th March and International Day. My gift back to society will be to devote my time to six amazing mothers I know from my past to present. They are also part of a group I set up a while ago, to bring mothers together to share their experiences, achievements and issues. As much as I have tried to support as many of them as possible, whilst juggling my own life. They have all had my back over the last couple months, during some tough times of my own.. One or two of these mothers lack support. The rest are living each and every day as it comes, doing their best. The aim of the evening will be to support each other, motivate and inspire each individual to continue their roles as women with pride and love. To celebrate their worth and recognise their strength, I have invited them all out to dinner, to allow them to bounce off all the energy we each contain. Today, or in fact any other day. Please think of something you could do, to make another woman smile and know you've got her back.

God bless!

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