What does turning 40 mean to me?
Many years ago, turning 40 seemed like a life time away. I had so much time to worry about achieving goals, meeting my future soul mate,...

Happy International Women's Day
To my beautiful Queens. Yes, I am talking to you. Today, the 8th of March 2018 I am celebrating you on this special day, International...

As women, are we wrong to have high expectations in a relationship?
As a strong, independent woman, I have always relied solely on myself, because whenever I've put my trust in others, they have quite...

When being strong is your only option.
Many parents wake up every morning wondering how they are going to get through the next day, but the thing is, we always get through it....

Who am I?
Who am I? That is the question. Many people search for the answer throughout their whole lives. Some get it within a short time span....

Marriage vs Wedding
As a young girl, I grew up believing that marriage was very sacred and it was the last stage you wanted to be at in a relationship. Being...

It's OK!
You always hear in the media of how mothers are supposed to be strong women, or the ones who are meant to hold their families together....

Love without boundaries
What does it really mean to be loved and cherished? For me, being in love is more than just holding hands and telling each other you love...

Mother and daughter strike gold, as they become authors days apart.
When people have said a mother's job isn't easy, they weren't putting it lightly. Like many of us single mothers know, being a parent is...

Mastering your emotions with positivity
Our emotions play a very important role in our lives and sometimes if we haven't mastered what triggers them, it's very hard to control...